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Guidelines for IAVCEI Awards

Guidelines for IAVCEI Awards


The nomination process

  • At least 8 months before the awards ceremony there will be a call for nominations for the relevant awards in the IAVCEI newsletter and on IAVCEI social media, and by email notification to all registered members. The call will be closed 4 months before the awards ceremony.
  • Only members of IAVCEI can be nominated for IAVCEI awards.
  • Only members of IAVCEI can be lead nominators for IAVCEI awards.
  • Each nomination must have one lead nominator and 3 supporting nominators.
  • No more than 2 nominators can be from the same country.
  • See Conflict of Interest Policy for more details on eligibility of nominees and nominators
  1. The nomination package for individual awards (Walker) and medals (Fisher, Krafft, Thorarinsson, Wager) should include:
  2. Nomination letter containing a) the lead nominator name (with title, institution, and contact information), b) details how the nominee meets the selection criteria as well as c) name and affiliation of the three supporting nominators. (max. 1 page, min. font 10pt)
  3. Questionnaires completed by the three supporting nominators describing the nominee’s alignment with the spirit of the award (one questionnaire per supporting nominator). Additional support information will not be accepted.
  4. Up-to-date CV of the nominee (max. 2 pages, min. font 10pt)
  5. Bibliography stating the total number and types of publications or/and other products (e.g. videos, policy reports) as appropriate. The bibliography should include papers that encompass the nominee’s overall research and scientific contributions. Rather than selecting the most recent publications, nominators are encouraged to choose those that best support the spirit of this award. (max. 1 page, min. font 10pt)

The nomination package comprising the nomination letter (1 page), CV (2 pages), bibliography (1 page) and the three compiled forms (maximum of 9 pages in total) must not exceed 13 pages (minimum font 10 and single space) and submitted as a single pdf file. Any pages in excess of the limit will be removed prior to sharing with the award committee tasked to assess the submissions.

  • The nomination package for Collective Research awards should include:
  • Nomination letter containing a) the lead nominator name (with title, institution, and contact information), b) details how the nominee meets the selection criteria as well as c) name and affiliation of the three supporting nominators. (max. 1 page, min. font 10pt)
  • Questionnaires completed by the three supporting nominators describing the nominee’s alignment with the spirit of the award (one questionnaire per supporting nominator). Additional support information will not be accepted.
  • Summary of project(s) or ‘cooperation(s)’ with evidence of how all career stages and contributors were supported (max. 1 page, min. font 10pt)
  • Bibliography stating the total number and types of publications or/and other products (e.g. videos, policy reports) resulting from the considered collective project(s) and/or cooperation(s). Nominators are encouraged to choose the publications that best support the multidisciplinary and cooperation spirit of this award. (max. 1 page, min. font 10pt)

The nomination package comprising the nomination letter (1 page), summary of project(s) and/or cooperation(s) (1 page), bibliography (1 page) and the three compiled forms (maximum of 6 pages in total [2 pages each]) must not exceed 9 pages (minimum font 10 and single space) and submitted as a single pdf file. Any pages in excess of the limit will be removed prior to sharing with the award committee tasked to assess the submissions.

  • The nomination package for Volcanic Surveillance and Crisis Management [VSCM] awards should include:
  • Nomination letter containing a) the lead nominator name (with title, institution, and contact information), b) details how the nominee meets the selection criteria as well as c) name and affiliation of the three supporting nominators. (max. 1 page, min. font 10pt)
  • Questionnaires completed by the three supporting nominators describing the nominee’s alignment with the spirit of the award (one questionnaire per supporting nominator). Additional support information will not be accepted.
  • Up-to-date summary of surveillance or management capacity (including a weblink if available) (max. 1 page, min. font 10pt)
  • Output summary of written contributions to surveillance and crisis management. This can include academic papers that encompass the candidate’s overall research and scientific contributions as well as white papers, policy document and hazard, risk and warning outputs and communication products. Nominators are encouraged to choose those that best support the argument for this award.

The nomination package comprising the nomination letter (1 page), summary of surveillance or management capacity (1 page), bibliography (1 page) and the three compiled forms (maximum of 6 pages in total) must not exceed 9 pages (minimum font 10 and single space) and submitted as a single pdf file. Any pages in excess of the limit will be removed prior to sharing with the award committee tasked to assess the submissions.

Any nomination package should be sent as single PDF to the IAVCEI Secretary General (secretary [at] before the announced deadline.