
Bulletin of Volcanology makes two awards every year.

1. For the most cited-paper of the year, and

2. For the most-cited paper as lead-authored by an early-career researcher (ECR).

The awards are based on citations in all journals during the previous two years. For example, the 2017 award was based on citations in all journals during 2016 and 2015. The award considers statistics published in the year following the citation count, so the 2017 award was given in 2018 when statistics for 2017 were released.


Current Awards



1. Bulletin of Volcanology most cited paper of the year

Michael J. Heap & Marie E.S. Violay (2021)

The mechanical behaviour and failure modes of volcanic rocks: a review. Bulletin of Volcanology 83: 33

 2. Bulletin of Volcanology most cited paper of the year (ECR)

Johan T. Gilchrist & A. Mark Jellinek (2021)

Sediment waves and the gravitational stability of volcanic jets. Bulletin of Volcanology 83: 64



Past Awards


1. Bulletin of Volcanology most cited paper of the year

Belousov A & Belousova (2018)

A Dynamics and viscosity of ‘a’a and pahoehoe lava flows of the 2012–2013 eruption of Tolbachik volcano, Kamchatka (Russia). Bulletin of Volcanology (2018) 80: 6

2. Bulletin of Volcanology most cited paper of the year (ECR)

Edgar U. Zorn, Michael C. Rowe, Shane J. Cronin, Amy G. Ryan,

Lori A. Kennedy, James K. Russell (2018)

Influence of porosity and groundmass crystallinity on dome rock strength: a case study from Mt. Taranaki, New Zealand. Bulletin of Volcanology (2018) 80: 35



1. Bulletin of Volcanology most cited paper of the year

Michelle Coombs, Kristi Wallace, Cheryl Camero, John Lyons, Aaron Wech, Kim Angeli, Peter Cervelli (2019)

Overview, chronology, and impacts of the 2016–2017 eruption of Bogoslof volcano, Alaska. Bulletin of Volcanology 81: 62

2. Bulletin of Volcanology most cited paper of the year (ECR)

Matthew W. Loewen, Pavel Izbekov, Jamshid Moshrefzadeh, Michelle Coombs, Jessica Larsen, Nathan Graham, Michelle Harbin, Christopher Waythomas, Kristi Wallace (2019)

Petrology of the 2016–2017 eruption of Bogoslof Island, Alaska. Bulletin of Volcanology 81:72



1. Bulletin of Volcanology most cited paper of the year

D.J. Ferguson, H.M. Gonnermann, P. Ruprecht, T. Plank, E.H. Hauri,

B.F. Houghton, D.A. Swanson (2016)

Magma decompression rates during explosive eruptions of Kīlauea volcano, Hawaii,  recorded by melt embayments. Bulletin of Volcanology 78: 71

2. Bulletin of Volcanology most cited paper of the year (ECR)

Kolzenburg, D. Giordano, T. Thordarson, A. Höskuldsson, D.B. Dingwell (2017)

The rheological evolution of the 2014–2015 eruption at Holuhraun, central Iceland. Bulletin of Volcanology 79: 45



1. Bulletin of Volcanology most cited paper of the year

J. Heap, J.I. Farquharson, P. Baud, Y. Lavallée, T. Reuschlé (2015)

Fracture and compaction of andesite in a volcanic edifice. Bulletin of Volcanology 77: 55

2. Bulletin of Volcanology most cited paper of the year (ECR)

Capponi, J. Taddeucci, P. Scarlato, D.M. Palladino (2016)

Recycled ejecta modulating Strombolian explosions. Bulletin of Volcanology 78: 13