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New public information films on volcanic hazards and their impact

New public information films on volcanic hazards and their impact

As a result of an international collaborative project called VolFilm short films on volcanic hazards and their impacts are now available to view download.

These public information and educational films are the first in a planned series and cover pyroclastic flows and lahars with English, French and Spanish versions. The films have been produced under the auspices of IAVCEI and Global Volcano Model (GVM) and funded from a variety of sources but principally by the Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR) and DfID (UK).  The project partnership includes:  Bristol University (UK), the British Geological Survey (UK), GNS Science (New Zealand), Goma Volcano Observatory, Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris (France), the University of East Anglia (UK), Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (Italy), the Meteorological of Vanautu, the Seismic Research Centre, University if the West Indies (Trinidad), The Montserrat Volcano Observatory, the US Geological Survey, Instituto Geofisico at Escuela Politécnica Nacional (IG-EPN), Ecuador and the General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration (Turkey). 

There are plans for six more films on hazards (ash, volcanic gas and lavas) and translation into further languages and also films of personal experiences by people affected by volcanic hazards.

The project team welcomes comments and feedback. Also we welcome new partners to bring in additional expertise, resources, ideas and film. Please contact Steve Sparks ( and Sarah Brown (